A chronicle of my escapades and estudios españoles during a 6-month study abroad program in Seville, Spain... enjoy :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I think I fell in love last night...

...No... I don't just think I fell in love last night, I know for sure that I fell in love last night. Now, don't get all excited, it wasn't with un hombre español or some other sexy European man (although there were plenty to admire all over the place, and I did dance and have broken Spanish-English conversations with many of them). Nope, last night I fell in love with Spain. Head over heels. The Spanish lifestyle is definitely one I was born to experience at least once in my life ;) ... Everything is later and lasts longer, and that's totally fine by me. We eat dinner later and take our time, we get ready later, we arrive later, we start the parties later and stay there longer, and we get home A LOT later... and therefore wake up later.
Last night was a birthday celebration for one of the girls on the program here, and we definitely had a memorable night for her 21st birthday.
First, we "pre-gamed" with juice boxes of wine. Yep, I drank wine out of a personal, little cardboard box last night, reminiscent of my elementary school days when I had Welch's juice-boxes in my lunchpail. It was cheap, to say the least, and perfect for students on a budget and a mission. A 30-minute walk sufficed to choke down the wine-boxes, and we arrived at our first destination: Cervecería, where you can get a bocadillo (little sandwich) and a large large mug of beer or sangria for 3 euro. Half of the kids in the program were already there, so we met up with them and had some great conversations and snacked and drank for about an hour before we left for our next destination: Calle Alfalfa. Yes, the name is a little funny but this place is probably my favorite hangout spot in Sevilla so far. It is basically a huge block party at night, with bars lining either side of the street and lots of attractive and fashionable people (mostly natives, yay!) milling about. Oh gosh I just love people watching here more than anywhere else--everyone looks so good all the time... it's pretty refreshing actually.
After meeting some españoles in one of the bars (as well as many Southern USA students with pretty comical Spanish accents), we headed to our final destination (the one I was most excited about): Kudéta, a three-story helluva discoteca, styled around a Buddha theme. On the way there my roomie Kendra and I each took one arm of one of the sexiest men I have ever met. His name was Luis and I couldn't help myself but stare. Like, SHIT. Even though Kendra and I were a few chupitos (shots) and mugs of sangria in, we did a pretty good job of conversing with Luis about sports (He and I bonded over our love of FC Barcelona) and just the beauty of this city and country. And let me tell you, even though I was doing a good job of speaking in Spanish, he would sometimes have to repeat something in English and holy moly his accent was the cutest thing I've ever heard. (Okay, so I might have temporarily fallen in love with Luis.)
Anyways, one 25-minute beautiful walk later and we arrived at Buddha at around 2:45 am. It had already been a great night and it only got better when I could feel the bass of the house music pounding through me. We checked out the first floor of Kudéta and it was pretty cool, with lots of natives and more Spanish kinda salsa-y music. The second floor was pretty empty, and then we got to the third floor. Oh wow. That was my shit. We danced and danced and danced. I literally love nothing more than music and dancing. Everyone let loose and had a great time. Lucky Leann got Luis as her dancing partner (bi-atch;)... but there were plenty of Sexy Spaniards to go around. Plus, I was super impressed with the guys in our program-- damn they can dance! I think they were meant to live the spanish life, too. Anyways, unfortunately around 5:45 am most of the group was tired and wanted to go back to their respective homestays. As for me, I could've gone on for probably 6 more hours of that... or at least until the club closed at 7-8 am.
Oh, what a night.