A chronicle of my escapades and estudios españoles during a 6-month study abroad program in Seville, Spain... enjoy :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Don't worry, I don't actually think that all the US has to offer is a BigMac and some delicious fried potatoes and maybe a vanilla shake or oreo mcflurry... but if one is abroad, attempting to live like a native, at times it can get a little exhausting pretending to not miss good ol American food. So that is why some of my friends in the Michigan-Cornell-Penn program and I made the pact that if we could last through the month of January without eating American food (which apparently doesn't include Starbucks), then we would have a lunchdate at McDonald's on February 1st. Well February 1st turned out to be a delicious day, mis amigos. One McPollo, some french fries, and an oreo mcflurry later, and I am now ready to face another month of purely spanish food (though I would kill for some hummus and raw veggies right about now... and one of my mom's amazing salads... and maybe some sushi, too). Don't get me wrong-- Señora Ana is a great cook and I like Spanish food-- but sometimes when you're used to having certain yummy things every day (fresh, raw veggies/hummus) it can hurt a little bit to go a long time without it. And it's not like I was used to MickeyD's, either. In fact, before today it had probably been over 6 months since my last trip to the place. But, American food is American food, and when you're in the mood for American food, it turns out that McDonald's will get the job done.

1 comment:

  1. quit complaining.
    i had hummus and veggies from the dorms earlier but i would KILL for some delicious paella
